Planetary health
stakeholder cooperations, mediations and co-capacity building. EUPHA environment section. www.Public-Health.ch ("health & sustainability").
Publication handed in with EUPHA. Zürich region cooperation whoever joins, shares or ask planetary healthy questions.


Copenhagen-based SDG-, WHO Europe-, UNICEF-informed 1-day 1-planet One-health action day incl. utilizing https://theclimatebook.org/
on June 28th 2023 - free survival Science workshop incl. planetary healthy food, communities & policies for future - https://bit.ly/3ULbU1J (find the detailed planning in the linkedin-description) in part interconnecting to open works of world congress of Architects in CPH https://uia2023cph.org -
community design for health section & SDG pavillons - great thanks for all this amazing work of yours !!!


“Psychische Gesundheit von Jungen Menschen - Ursachen & Lösungen” (mental health by young people - causes & solutions” May 24th 2023
o-organized www.public-Health.ch, www.SAJV.ch, www.unicef.ch, www.ciao.ch 147.ch -
sounding board participation & open space co-organisation Matthias Köster  “Gemeinde-orientierte Gesundheitsförderung”
community-centered health promotion - with Planetary Health Science Policy Recommendation on planetary healthy food, urban design & climate effective SDGs ” (WHO & UNECE & food science sources utilized) re-used poster download link: https://bit.ly/3Qfvdj - includes recommended youth service transformation incl. fmpp.ch/ sgkjpp.ch towards the WHO Europe flagship initiatives on community-/people-centering policy recommendation https://bit.ly/3XUJDaL
See congress report in Swiss Doctors Journal “Schweizer Ärztezeitung”: by Eva Mell https://saez.ch/article/doi/saez.2023.21910


For the ESCAP policy division website - co-written with Amélie Gallade, published 12-2022:

ESCAP-board-reviewed text on co-organized Youth policy workshop & policy debate on participation of youth in science & youth science

introduction: https://www.escap.eu/division/policy-division/patient-and-public-involvement
(with cartoon-drawings done parallel to workshop preparing policy debate)

ESCAP2022.eu congress Maastricht Juni 19-21th 2022 with policy debate and workshop

- Popma, Bakkali, Redlich, Köster, Fegert pg. 6, ID 622 ( policy debate )
- Köster, pg. 162, ID 229 (with “ESCAP Youth dialogue - listen & act wisely” initiative)
- Galladé A. & Jugendparlament Zürich members of AG mental health, pg. 249, ID 375
  (JuPa on cyber-mobbing, porn-addiction & school demands - prepared by science talks & delivering sources to engaged youth politician )

Public Health Conference Switzerland congress Bern 12./13. Sept. 2022 (Poster author)

(no poster-abstract link - here is the personal link to the original poster:



SGKJPP-congress-co-symposium 02. Sept. 2022
Matthias Köster, “co-acting on planetary & communcal Youth health - linking ESCAP, WHO Europe, UN educational & pan-European SDG-policies”

Within “GenZ”-Symposium with Stephane Eliez, Amelié Galladé & Leo Hartenstein



28.08.2020 SGKJPP-congress multi-stakeholder advocacy symposium about & with adolescents: Leitung Dr. Matthias Köster (www.passung-wirwerk.ch) , Dr. O. Bilke not present )
title: Kooperations- & Qualitätskultur - Partizipation & Professionalität - für die bestmögliche Integration & Gesundung von Jugendlichen in der Schweiz 2020+

Ein interdisziplinärer Dialog zwischen wichtigen Akteuren, der die Integration & Gesundung von Jugendlichen mit komplexen psychosozialen Problemen verbessern helfen soll

or texts via google link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SiYGkm3zmwoVVlp3ZkAalgNcfKASEZoEmSI7p5EvYMw/edit?usp=sharing

In that: presentation on
Matthias Köster “interdisziplinäre Qualitätskontexte für Adolescente & Arbeitsinklusion & Persönlichkeitsstörungen - die Sicht des Freipraktizierenden”
Interdisciplinary quality-contexts for adolescents & working inclusion & personality disorders - the view of the free practioner”

Before 2020:

Köster M, Grohmann R, Engel RR, Nitsche MA, Rüther E, Degner D.
Seizures during antidepressant treatment in psychiatric inpatients--results from the transnational pharmacovigilance project
"Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie" (AMSP) 1993-2008. 
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013;230(2):191-201. doi:10.1007/s00213-013-3281-8

Bromundt V, Köster M, Georgiev-Kill A, et al. Sleep-wake cycles and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. 
Br J Psychiatry. 2011;198(4):269-276. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.078022